Coastal Pines Technical College Campus Police Department
In an effort to enhance security on all campuses, a campus police department was created in 2014. CPTC police officers are sworn officers and have full law enforcement authority, including powers of arrest in and upon all property of CPTC. CPTC police officers have the responsibility and power to enforce all local, state, and federal laws and ordinances. Campus security officers provide additional security support to the College.
Let us know how we are doing! Submit a Concern or Commendation.
Do you have a security or safety concern? Submit an anonymous tip.
FOR AN EMERGENCY REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE, please dial 911. For non-emergency assistance, please call 912-427-1890 from your current location and you will be put in contact with one of our campus police officers.
Bradley Barrett
Chief of Police
Cell: 912-288-7810
Any student desiring to be escorted to their vehicle in a CPTC parking area should check in with the front desk or your instructor for assistance. Special arrangements to and from a vehicle for parking or assistance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In order to obtain assistance please contact your instructor, security staff, or the administrator on duty.
Parking areas for student, staff, handicapped, and visitor use have been specifically designated. Students are required to obtain a parking decal and to display the decals on all student vehicles parked on campus, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and mopeds. Illegally parked vehicles (those without parking decals or those parked in reserved areas) will be issued a parking ticket by the security officers. Violations may result in fines.
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and Coastal Pines Technical College CPTC are committed to providing all employees, students, volunteers, visitors, vendors, and contractors a safe and secure workplace and/or academic setting free of intimidating, threatening, or violent behavior. To this end, it is the policy of the TCSG and CPTC that any violent act or threatening or disruptive behavior, language, or communication in any form (including telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, or written communication) will not be tolerated. It is each individual’s responsibility to report any act of violence or threat of violence to the CPTC administration.
An employee who believes that he/she has been subject to workplace violence should report the matter to the immediate supervisor or on-site administrator as soon as possible after the incident. A student, volunteer, visitor, vendor or contractor who believes that he/she has been subject to workplace violence should report the matter immediately to a CPTC employee as soon as possible after the incident.
Alertus Mobile App 
How to Install and setup Alertus Mobile App
Student Login:
Organization Code: cptc_students
Pin: 58754
Faculty/Staff Login:
Organization Code: cptc_staff
Pin: 4d871
CPTC Local Community Emergency Notification Systems:
Appling County
Bacon County
Brantley County
Camden County
Charlton County
Clinch County
Glynn County
Jeff Davis County
Long County
McIntosh County
Pierce County
Ware County
Wayne County