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Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form:
Any administrative official, faculty member, student or security officer may file a complaint with the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee against any student for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The individual(s) initiating the action must complete a Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form and forward it directly to the Student Disciplinary Officer. The Student Disciplinary Officer for Non-Academic Complaints is the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee. The Student Disciplinary Officer for Academic Complaints is the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee. If in doubt as to the nature of the complaint, file the complaint with the Vice President for Student Affairs. Please see the Conduct Rules and Regulations in our CPTC Student Handbook.
CPTC Grievance Form For Students
All students are encouraged to report events of unlawful harassment, discrimination, sexual violence and/or retaliation ("prohibited conduct") against themselves or others. Students have the right to file (or not to file) a criminal complaint for sexual violence with the local law enforcement authorities before, during, or after filing a complaint with the college. Allegations or suspicions of unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence or unlawful retaliation may be reported to the technical college’s Title IX or Section 504 Coordinators, the president, or the Human Resources Director (should the complaint involve employees). Please see the Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination in our CPTC Student Handbook.
Out-of-state online students:
Any complaints pertaining to a Coastal Pines Technical College online course or program should be filed with Coastal Pines Technical College in accordance with the process outlined in our Student Handbook with the Grievance Form available online.
Complaints needing further investigation beyond the college level may be submitted to TCSG using the Program Integrity Complaint Form. Before submitting to TCSG, students need to ensure they have followed the institution’s process.
A student may appeal to the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) if the institution’s and TCSG’s resolution is not satisfactory; however, please note that the Commission will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. GNPEC does not resolve complaints about student grades and student conduct violations. These complaints fall under the jurisdiction of institutional policy
If you have any questions, contact the Vice President for Student Affairs at 912-588-2581 or via email at vpsa@coastalpines.edu