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Coastal Pines Biology Instructor Chosen to Participate in International Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders Class

Dr. Jeannie Martin, Biology Instructor, for Coastal Pines Technical College was recently chosen as one of the class participants for the Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders (EWCL) Class 9. The Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders (EWCL) training program helps jump-start early career conservation professionals through a combination of skills training, networking opportunities with peers and established practitioners and the completion of a global wildlife conservation initiative. This...

Spring 2022 Student Honors Announced

Each semester Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) recognizes students who have accomplished high academic achievement through the President’s List, Dean’s List and the Academic Achievement Award. The President's List recognizes full-time students who earned a semester GPA of 4.00 and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. The Dean’s List recognizes CPTC students enrolled full time who have earned a semester GPA of 3.75 - 3.99 out of a possible 4.0 and have a cumulative GPA of...

Coastal Pines Automotive Students Awarded Scholarships

The CPTC Foundation recently awarded the Georgia Automotive Dealers Association (GADA) scholarship to 13 students in Automotive Collision and Automotive Repair programs for Summer Semester. Students in auto-technology, auto-collision, and other automotive related programs were eligible to apply for assistance from the Georgia Automobile Dealers Association Scholarship to offset any fees, costs of attendance, books, supplies and other educational expenses. Instructors Larry Carr and...

Coastal Pines Technical College Awarded the Dollar General Literacy Grant

The Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) Foundation has been awarded a $10,000 Grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for fiscal year 2023 to be used for literacy needs in the Adult Education Program. The $10,000 award will be used to purchase state approved curriculum (i.e., KAPLAN GED Test Prep Plus and GED Exercise Books, ESOL books, subscription to educational news articles, virtual curriculum, etc.) along with supplies and materials (i.e., pencils, USB drives, white out,...

CPTC Foundation Hosts Successful Sporting Clays Tournament

The CPTC Foundation recently held it’s 7th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament at Dorchester Hunting Preserve in Midway, Ga. The event was a huge success even though there had been a 2 year delay due to the pandemic. There were a total of 29 teams that signed up to participate in the event. A special thanks goes out to the Lock Stock and Barrel Sponsors of the event – International Auto Processors, Cogdell and Mendrala, and a Special Supporter of CPTC. All shooters got an opportunity to...

Coastal Pines Technical College Earns 2022-2023 Military Friendly® School Designation

Coastal Pines Technical College is proud to announce today that it has earned the 2022-2023 Military Friendly® School designation. Institutions earning the Military Friendly® School designation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. More than 1,800 schools participated in the 2022-2023 survey with 665 earning special awards for going above the standard. The 2022-2023 Military Friendly® Schools list will be published in the May and...

Tractor Supply donates tools to Welding & Joining Technology Program

Pictured (l) Lyle Strait with Tractor Supply in Brunswick and Kyle Crews, (R) Welding & Joining Instructor at Coastal Pines Technical College – Golden Isles site. Special thanks to Tractor Supply in Brunswick who recently donated new welding tools to Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) through the CPTC Foundation. These tools will be used in the Welding lab on the Golden Isles site. Thomas Wesley, Dean of Academic Affairs Technical and Industrial programs, states “We...

Skills USA students from Coastal Pines Technical college compete in Atlanta

Last week a group of students from Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) along with staff and instructors traveled to Atlanta, Georgia for the SkillsUSA Postsecondary Competition. The students competed against other colleges in many categories for the chance to place in the yearly competition. The Gold medal winner will have the chance to attend Nationals this summer. The Skills USA National Competition will also be held in Atlanta in June of this year. Steven Green, a Practical Nursing...

Coastal Pines Technical College receives grant from Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) received a Law Enforcement Training grant from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). CPTC received $21,151 to be used for essential training for our police personnel (which includes use of force and de-escalation) to ensure that they are full prepared for whatever they may encounter. Ethan Johnson, Campus Police Chief for CPTC states “this grant funding will provide for the purchase of much needed active shooter and de-escalation training...

Coastal Pines Technical College Foundation Receives a Donation from the Terry Thomas Foundation

The Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) Foundation received a $10,000 grant from the Terry Thomas Foundation. The Terry Thomas Foundation, located in Glynn County on Sea Island, was established in 2004. Ms. Thomas passed away in 2011, but her Foundation continues to have a powerful impact on her community. Susan Goodhue, Executive Director of the Terry Thomas Foundation presented the check to Stephanie Roberts, Executive Director of College Advancement with Coastal Pines Technical...

Snap-On Industrial Donates Tools to Electronics Technology Program

Pictured (L) Donald Thompson, Account Manager-Industrial Sales, Snap-on Tools and Jesus Gonzalez,(R) Electronics Technology Instructor at Coastal Pines Technical College On February 10th, 2022, Snap-On Industrial donated new hand tools to Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) through the CPTC Foundation. These tools will be used in the Electronics Technology lab on the Waycross Campus. Thomas Wesley, Dean of Academic Affairs -Technical and Industrial programs, states “We appreciate our...

2022 GOAL and Rick Perkins Award Winners Chosen for Coastal Pines Technical College

2022 GOAL and Rick Perkins Award Winners Chosen for Coastal Pines Technical College Congratulations are in order for the 2022 GOAL and Rick Perkins Award winners for Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC). Ashley Dowling, a resident of Long County, was selected as the 2022 GOAL (Georgia’s Occupational Award of Leadership) Winner for Coastal Pines Technical College. The Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) is a program of the TCSG that recognizes and pays respect to...