Certified Medical Billing & Coding
This billing and coding program offers the skills needed to perform complex coding and billing procedures. The program covers: CPT (Introduction, Guidelines, Evaluation and Management), specialty fields (such as surgery, radiology and laboratory), the ICD-10 for both diagnosis and procedure coding, and basic claims processes for insurance reimbursements. This billing and coding program delivers the skills learners need to solve insurance billing and coding problems. It details proper assignment of codes and the process to file claims for reimbursement.
- Build medical terms using word parts
- Interpret medical terms
- Describe the various medical specialties
- Recognize medical terms associated with various body systems
- Demonstrate the interconnectedness of body structures
- Communicate effectively in a professional healthcare environment
- Identify the important role of a medical coder in upholding ethical billing practices and in obtaining reimbursement for healthcare services
- Correctly use the ICD-10-CM for diagnostic coding
- Correctly use CPT codes for coding medical procedures
- Apply national and local HCPCS codes and modifiers
- Explain the purpose and use of ICD-10-PCS codes
Hands-on labs and activities
- Comparison of Medical Insurance and Reimbursement Methods
- Legal and HIPAA Aspects of Medical Insurance Billing and Coding
- Understanding ICD-10-CM Terminology, Organization, and Proper Use
- ICD-10-CM Outpatient Coding and Reporting Guidelines
- Coding with ICD-10-CM
- Understanding CPT Terminology, Organization, and Proper Use
- Understanding HCPCS Terminology, Organization, and Proper Use
- Understanding CPT Modifiers
- Coding CPT Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services
- Coding CPT for Anesthesia
- Coding CPT for Surgical
- Coding CPT for the Integumentary System
- Coding CPT for the Musculoskeletal System
- Coding CPT for the Respiration System
- Coding CPT for the Cardiovascular System
- Coding CPT Hemic, Lymphatic, Mediastinum, and Diaphragm
- Coding CPT for the Digestive System
- Coding CPT for the Urinary and Male Genital System
- Coding CPT for Reproductive, Intersex Surgery, and Female Genital Systems
- Coding the Endocrine and Nervous System
- Coding CPT for the Eye, Ocular Adnexa, Auditory, and Operating Microscope System
- Coding CPT Radiology
- Coding CPT Pathology/Laboratory
Certification Opportunities