Strategic Leadership Certificate

This leadership training program was developed with input from several local employers. The program comprises a highly interactive series of seven topics that are delivered every other Wednesday from 8am to 12pm. Employers and employees may be eligible to participate in a Registered Apprenticeship Program that may result with state funding to offset the cost of this training. For more information, please send an email to

  • Social Intelligence
    • Increase Your Self Awareness
      • Remove or Limit Self-Deception
      • Ask For Feedback
      • Be Open to Change
      • Reflect On Your Actions
    • The Keys to Empathy
      • Listening and Paying Attention
      • Don’t Judge
      • Shift Your View
      • Don’t Show Fake Emotions
    • Active Listening
      • Attunement
      • Don’t Jump to Conclusions
      • Shift Your Focus
      • Don’t Discount Feelings
    • Insight on Behavior
      • Perception
      • Facts vs. Emotions
      • Online Communication
      • Listen and Watch More
    • Communication
      • Give Respect and Trust
      • Be Consistent
      • Always Keep Your Cool
      • Observing Body Language
    • Social Cues
      • Recognize Social Situations
      • The Eyes Have It
      • Non-Verbal Cues
      • Verbal Cues
      • Spectrum of Cues
      • Review and Reflect
      • Being Adaptable and Flexible
      • Personal Space
    • Conversation Skills
      • Current Events
      • Conversation Topics
      • Cues to Watch For
      • Give People Your Attention
    • Body Language
      • Be Aware of Your Movements
      • It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say It
      • Open vs. Closed Body Language
      • Communicate with Power
    • Building Rapport
      • Take the High Road
      • Forget About Yourself
      • Remembering People
      • Ask Good Questions

  • Supervising Others
    • Setting Expectations
      • Defining the Requirements
      • Identifying Opportunities for Improvement and Growth
      • Setting Verbal Expectations
      • Putting Expectations in Writing
    • Setting Goals
      • Understanding Cascading Goals
      • The SMART Way
      • The Three P’s
      • Helping Others Set Goals
    • Assigning Work
      • General Principles
      • The Dictatorial Approach
      • The Apple-Picking Approach
      • The Collaborative Approach
    • Degrees of Delegation
      • Level One: Complete Supervision
      • Level Two: Partial Supervision
      • Level Three: Complete Independence
    • Implementing Delegation
      • Deciding to Delegate
      • To Whom Should You Delegate?
      • Providing Instructions
      • Monitoring the Results
      • Troubleshooting Delegation
    • Providing Feedback
      • Characteristics of Good Feedback
      • Feedback Delivery Tools
      • Informal Feedback
      • Formal Feedback
    • Managing Your Time
      • The 80/20 Rule
      • Prioritizing with the Urgent-Important Matrix
      • Using a Productivity Journal
      • Using Routines and Rituals to Simplify Your Workday
    • Resolving Conflict
      • Using a Conflict Resolution Process
      • Maintaining Fairness
      • Seeking Help from Within the Team
      • Seeking Help from Outside the Team
    • Tips for Special Situations
      • What to Do If You’ve Been Promoted from within the Team
      • What To Do If You’re Leading a Brand New Team
      • What to Do if You’re Taking on an Established Team
    • A Survival Guide for the New Supervisor
      • Ask the Right Questions of the Right People
      • Go to Gemba
      • Keep Learning!

  • Leadership Core Values
    • Is it Better to be Loved or Feared?
      • The Case for Fear
      • The Case for Love
      • The Case against Either
      • The Middle Ground 23
    • Leadership as Service
      • Top-down Hierarchies
      • A Lateral Perspective
      • Know Your Employees
      • Genuine Empathy and the Power to Lead
    • Leadership by Design
      • Begin with the End in Mind
      • Setting Goals
      • Determining Values
      • A Mission Statement
    • Understanding Motivation
      • Dramatism
      • The Pentad
      • Guilt and Redemption
      • Identification
    • Constructive Criticism
      • What are Your Intentions?
      • A Positive Vision of Success
      • Feedback Sandwich
      • Following up (versus Badgering)
    • The Importance of Tone
      • Lighting a Fire
      • Calming a Storm
      • Adult versus Parent
      • Changing the Script
    • Trusting Your Team
      • Dangers of Micromanaging
      • Delegation and Anxiety
      • Aces in Their Places
      • Celebrating Success
    • Earning the Trust of Your Team
      • Honesty
      • Reliability
      • Availability
      • Openness
    • Building and Reinforcing Your Team
      • Identifying Team Strengths and Weaknesses
      • Identify Team Roles
      • Design Exercises with Specific Goals
      • What to Avoid
    • You are the Boss of You
      • What Kind of Person Would You Follow?
      • Self-Awareness
      • Self-Improvement
      • Keeping Your Balance

  • Workplace Relations
    • New Hires
      • Company Core Values
      • Building Relationships
      • Encourage Respect
      • Setting Ground Rules
    • It’s About Interacting and Influence
      • Dealing with Different Personalities
      • Build a Culture of Collaboration
      • Be Nice to Everyone (Not Just Those Who Can Help You)
      • Be a Team Player
    • Dealing with Rumors, Gossip, and Half - Truths
      • Its Effects on Morale
      • Reinforce the Truth with Facts
      • Deal With it Swiftly
      • Do Not Participate
    • Office Personalities
      • Complainer
      • Gossiper
      • Bully
      • Negative Ned / Nancy
      • Information Keeper
      • Know-It-All
      • The Apple - Polisher
      • Nosey Neighbor
    • Getting Support for Your Projects
      • Gain Trust Through Honesty
      • Be Assertive
      • Blow Your Own Horn
      • Make Allies
    • Conflict Resolution
      • The Importance of Forgiveness
      • Neutralizing Emotions
      • The Benefits of a Resolution
      • The Agreement Frame
    • Ethics
      • Benefits of an Ethical Environment
      • Lead by Example
      • Ensuring Ethical Behavior
      • Addressing Unethical Behavior
    • You Are Not an Island
      • Never Burn a Bridge
      • Take the High Road
      • Trust is a Two-Way Street
      • Don’t Hide in Your Office
    • Social Events Outside of Work
      • How to Decline Politely
      • Rules When Attending
      • Meeting New People
      • Conversation Dos and Don’ts

  • Leadership and Influence
    • The Evolution of Leadership
      • Defining Leadership
      • Characteristics of a Leader
      • Leadership Principles
      • A Brief History of Leadership
      • Three Theories of Leadership
    • Situational Leadership
      • Situational Leadership: Telling
      • Situational Leadership: Selling
      • Situational Leadership: Participating
      • Situational Leadership: Delegating
    • A Personal Inventory
      • An Introduction to Kouzes and Posner
      • A Personal Inventory
      • Creating an Action Plan
    • Modeling the Way
      • Determining Your Way
      • Being an Inspirational Role Model
      • Influencing Others’ Perspectives
    • Inspiring a Shared Vision
      • Choosing Your Vision
      • Communicating Your Vision
      • Identifying the Benefit for Others
    • Challenging the Process
      • Think Outside the Box
      • Developing Your Inner Innovator
      • Seeing Room for Improvement
      • Lobbying for Change
    • Enabling Others to Act
      • Encouraging Growth in Others
      • Creating Mutual Respect
      • The Importance of Trust
    • Encouraging the Heart
      • Sharing Rewards
      • Celebrating Accomplishments
      • Making Celebration Part of Your Culture
    • Basic Influencing Skills
      • The Art of Persuasion
      • The Principles of Influence
      • Creating an Impact
    • Setting Goals
      • Setting SMART Goals
      • Creating a Long-Term Plan
      • Creating a Support System

  • Servant Leadership
    • What is Servant Leadership?
      • A Desire to Serve
      • Share the Power
      • Putting Others First
      • Helping Employees Grow
    • Leadership Practices
      • Democratic Leadership Style
      • Laissez-Faire Style
      • Leading by Example
      • Path-Goal Theory
    • Share the Power
      • Being Empathetic
      • Learn to Delegate
      • Their Success is Your Success
      • Know When to Step In
    • Characteristics of a Servant Leader
      • Listening Skills
      • Persuasive Powers
      • Recognizes Opportunities
      • Relates to Employees
    • Barriers to Servant Leadership
      • Excessive Criticism
      • Doing Everything Yourself
      • Sitting on the Sidelines
      • Demanding from Employees
    • Building a Team Community
      • Identify the Group Needs
      • Complement Member Skills
      • Create Group Goals
      • Encourage Communication
    • Be a Motivator
      • Make it Challenging
      • Provide Resources
      • Ask for Employee Input
      • Offer Incentives
    • Be a Mentor
      • Establish Goals
      • Know When to Praise or Criticize
      • Create a Supportive Environment
      • Create an Open-Door Policy
    • Training Future Leaders
      • Offer Guidance and Advice
      • Identify Their Skill Sets
      • Methods of Feedback
      • Establish Long Term Goals
    • Self-Reflection
      • Keep a Journal
      • Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
      • Identify Your Needs
      • Creating Your Own Goals

  • Trust Building and Resilience
    • Empower Staff
      • Set Expectations
      • Accept Input
      • Delegate
      • Supply Resources
    • Transparent Communication
      • Verbal
      • Non-Verbal
      • Honest Feedback
      • No Gossip
    • Keep Promises
      • Be Organized
      • Stay Motivated
      • Don’t Overcommit and Under Deliver
      • Keep Track
    • Respect
      • Position
      • Opinion
      • Time
      • Strengths/Weaknesses
    • Develop Positive Relationships
      • Get-to-Know Colleagues
      • Manage Boundaries
      • Collaborate with Others
      • Show Appreciation
    • Personality Types
      • The Leader
      • The Analytical
      • The Amiable
      • The Expressive
    • Change: Acceptance and Management
      • Change is Constant
      • Dealing with Evolution
      • The Other Side
      • Integrate the Change
    • Overcoming Adversities
      • Recognize Mistakes
      • Fix Mistakes
      • Evaluate Your Improvements
      • Avoid Same Mistakes in Future
    • Stress Management
      • Exercise
      • Balanced Diet
      • Sleep
      • Work Under Pressure
    • Stay Motivated
      • Keep End Goal in Mind
      • Be Optimistic
      • Like-Minded People
      • Reward Yourself