Team Membership Description

The Behavioral Intervention Team consists of college personnel with expertise in human resources/employee assistance, law enforcement/threat assessment/tactical applications, college operations, mental health knowledge, and student affairs. Membership is based on the position and not the individual. The members have regular contact with campus community members in some manner, which will aid in the assessment of persons of concern, and/or the authority to receive a recommendation and take the appropriate action. A collaborative process to assess threats and concerns will be used. Depending on the situation, personnel with areas of specialization or responsibility may be called upon to assist the TEAM. The TEAM may also consult other individuals, as needed, such as a faculty member who has a concern about a student, a professional counselor to share expertise, and/or a manager who has information concerning an employee. The Chair will keep the CPTC Cabinet advised of situations and specifically will communicate with the college president, as needed.

Team Members

  • Vice President Student Affairs
  • Vice President Academic Affairs
  • Campus Police Chief
  • Human Resources Director
  • Student Affairs Director
  • Executive Director, Adult Education
  • Student Success Coach
  • Student Activities Coordinator
  • Librarian


The TEAM is responsible for:

  1. Development and implementation of educational and training programs for all members of the college community with regard to behavioral assessment. This should include publications and promotional materials designed to create awareness, understanding, and participation with the TEAM. Work with Institutional Advancement to create these promotional items, brochures, etc. to promote the Behavioral Intervention Program;
  2. Maintaining a current website, which is easily accessible from the college’s home page and other relevant departmental pages. This site should include the full concern form/document, links to informational and educational sites, and instructions for filing a referral to the TEAM;
  3. Receiving, coordinating, and assessing referrals received from faculty, staff, students, and local authorities to provide a safe campus, both physically and emotionally;
  4. Reviewing students who indicated they have a criminal record or currently have charges pending, or students who have a reportable disciplinary record at a previously attended college or university;
  5. Reviewing applications for readmission of students who were suspended for disciplinary reasons or involuntarily administratively withdrawn from the college. These applications will be brought to the attention of the TEAM by student affairs personnel, and

How Do I Report a Concern?

Individuals may submit a report about a person of concern in a few different ways: