Funding Initiatives & Priorities
Each year the Foundation conducts activities to generate funding for student scholarships, program technology, special projects, and other general fund support for the College. In addition, the College President submits college funding needs for trustee consideration. The following AY2024 funding requests were approved as CPTC Foundation monetary goals:
Dual Enrollment Student Grants & Program Support (High School Dual Credit) – Estimated Need: $5,000
Apprenticeship Support – Estimated Need: $25,000
SEAS Program (Support for Enrollment and Aid to Students) – Estimated Need: $25,000
Free Application Day – Estimated Need: $15,000
Associate of Science in Nursing Support — Faculty Support Estimated Need: $50,000 | Student Scholarships Estimated Need: $50,000
Faculty Professional Development – Estimated Need: $3,000
Scholarship Funds for Tuition and Fees Assistance – Estimated Needs: $125,000
These initiatives and programs not only support the College mission, vision, and strategic plan, but also support the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Strategic Plan, help eliminate financial barriers that prevent qualified students from entering college and dedicated students from graduating, and meet the economic and workforce needs of the communities we serve.
Click on the button below to view the AY24 Funding Needs.